Sleipnir Venexia Decimus 383

DVID N: 383 - Y: 2010 - Steel, wood - (WxLxH): 66 x 111 x 117 cm - Price: € 21000

Sleipnir Venexia Decimus is a scaled reproduction of Sleipnir Venexia, which participated in the 2008 Venice Architecture Biennale. On September 11, 2008, Sleipnir Venexia departed from the Voga Veneta in Mestre and, after six hours of navigation, arrived inside the military arsenal of the Venice Biennale


Sleipnir Venexia is part of the Sleipnir exhibition.
Liber Sleipnir a book about the first 16 Sleipnir.

Sleipnir Venexia Decimus 383

DVID N: 383 - Y: 2010 - Steel, wood - (WxLxH): 66 x 111 x 117 cm - Price: € 21000

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