Sleipnir Armatus 8017

DVID N: 8017 - AFP:1297 - Y: 2010

Sleipnir Armatus, inspired by Leonardo-esque forms, was created in 2010 at AtelierFORTE in Milan on the occasion of the Declaration of War on Industry, presented in April during Design Week. The aim was to defend AtelierFORTE from industrial attacks.

XIII esemplare della serie Sleipnir

XII - Sleipnir Armatus - 2

2010. Aprile, in occasione della Dichiarazione di Guerra all´industria AtelierFORTE realizza una nuova arma per presidiare l´atelier.

Sleipnir Armatus is part of the Sleipnir exhibition and is present in Liber Sleipnir a book about the first 16 Sleipnir.

© AtelierFORTE 2024 - MMXXIV - AF XXVI

Duilio Forte, via Corelli 34 - Milano - P.Iva: 11389170157 - ©2024 All rights reserved
