Birnam Wood 12301

DVID N: 12301 - Y: 2010

Showroom Piazza Sempione, New York

2010. Duilio Forte realizza un’installazione in legno ispirandosi al bosco descritto nel Macbeth di Shakespeare al centro dell’ultima delle tre profezie. Showroom PIAZZA SEMPIONE, 616 Fifth Avenue, New York. 14-17 marzo 2010.

2010. Wood sculpture by Duilio Forte. Shakespeare´s Tragedy of Macbeth inspired for the title of the art work. The last of the Three Witches prophecies say: Macbeth will “never vanquish´d be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him”. At PIAZZA SEMPIONE, 616 Fifth Avenue, New York. March 14-17, 2010.

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Duilio Forte, via Corelli 34 - Milano - P.Iva: 11389170157 - ©2024 All rights reserved
